“…Paint your palette blue and gray / Look out on a summer’s day…”
When it comes to the floor in my house, I can’t help thinking of Don McLean’s song “Vincent,” which starts out with the title of the post and those next two lines. It’s an homage to Vincent van Gogh, and there certainly has been artwork committed on my house. No face on the barroom floor, this.
You may remember that I had this idea to embed the white quartz that’s all over my property in dark-blue-stained concrete and then have both polished. And I wrote about how that dream turned out not to be possible in reality. Well, what happened in its place is done and it’s nothing short of beautiful. For example, the great room went from this…
…to this…
…to this.
And the kitchen went from this…
…to this…
…to this.
And something you haven’t seen before, one of the hallways.
Right. So where are the stars? Well, you can see hints of them at the bottom of the image above but here’s a better look.
The “stars,” as it turns out, are hard to see unless you look pretty much right at your feet. Two reasons for that. First, they’re quite small. Cannon and I tried to strike a balance between dots that were big enough to be visible and dots that didn’t speckle-out the whole floor or make it look polka-dotted. Second, with the final floor polished and waxed, the glare from all the windows washes them out. So maybe it’s not quite as dramatic as I first envisioned, but it’s still what I wanted: the feeling of walking on the night sky. Because Cannon and his family spent many long hours on this, he was at the house after dark, and told me yesterday that during the day, the black paints show up more but at night, under the ceiling lights, the blues come out more. I haven’t been there at night since the floor went down, so I’ll take his word for it.
He’s got one more task to finish, and that’s the final touches on the protective coat on the garage floor. (No pictures of that: there’s really nothing to see. The floor is now a beige rather than gray.) That’ll be done tomorrow.
But all have been, as McLean also sang, “soothed beneath the artist’s loving hand.”
This flooring process is beyond description! I look at my hardwood floors and say, “Shame on you!”
Awww, don’t be so hard on them! I haven’t mentioned what those floors, inside and out, cost me, and there’s still other flooring to be installed.