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Critique Technique, Part 50 — Spelling

...(words that sound alike): their/there/they’re, affect/effect, your/you’re, complement/compliment, and so on. And since using “there” instead of “their” isn’t a case of a word being misspelled, word processor spell-checkers won’t always catch the mistake. Now, spelling and grammar checkers have gotten better over the years, so “He went to there house” should get a blue double underline under “there” from MS Word’s spelling checker, and indeed it di...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 8: Story Endings

...s:// To quote from Ogden Nash’s puckish poetry accompanying Camille Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals, “Now we reach the grand finale / Animale Carnivale….” The story you’ve been reviewing has reached and passed its climax, its moment of greatest tension and conflict. The good guys have won… or not. The protagonist has survived, achieved whatever she set...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 5: Weak or Missing Hook

...s:// Before I begin, remember that for each of the items I’ll discuss from now on, you have four questions to ask: Did it happen? Exactly where did it happen? What exactly is the problem? Or what just worked really well? What can the author do to fix it, if something needs fixing? OK, so what is a “hook” and how can it be weak or missing? Whatever you...Read More

Critique Technique, part 14: Out-of-Character Behavior

...s:// Comedy has been defined as “ordinary people in extraordinary situations, or extraordinary people in ordinary situations.” But what if the piece you’re critiquing isn’t comedy—or isn’t meant to be comedy? When a character you’ve come to know suddenly acts in a way that makes you stop, scratch your head, and say “huh?”, maybe there’s a proble...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 3: How Do You Feel?

...s:// New members of a critique or writers’ group will often say, “I don’t know how to critique.” The tendency, I suspect, is to think they have to do what they did in high school or college English classes: identify and explain the symbolism in a passage, say, or compare and contrast the use of metaphor with onomatopoeia. Nope! Nope, nope, nope. That’s not...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 12: Showing and Telling in Character Development

...s:// “Show, don’t tell.” We writers get told that all the time. ALL the time. The thing is, neither telling nor showing are wrong, per se. What’s “wrong” is relying on either one too much, or using one technique where the other would be more effective. This is true in character development and revelation as much as it is in an...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 11: Lack of Character Development

...s:// One of the key things readers want to see in a story (fiction or non-fiction) is some sign of change in the characters over the course of the story—positive, we hope, but that isn’t required. The protagonist may not get what he wants by the end, or even what he deserves, but he should grow or change in some way. The same is true for the...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 10: Poor Characterization

...s:// Before I begin, a disclaimer: what follows just scratches the surface of characterization. People have written many books on creating believable characters, and I’m smart enough to know I can’t cover everything they do in one post, or even a series of them. With that in mind, what do I mean by poor characterization? What makes it poor, and how...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 9: Characters and Conflict

...s:// The next eight articles are going to be about characters and characterization. Before we get started, though, I want to point you to another excellent blog post from several years ago, titled The Night the Lights Went Out in Texas, by Keith Cronin, on Writer Unboxed. This paragraph sums up so much about the enterprise of story-telling, whether...Read More