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Critique Technique, Part 15: Unclear Character Goals

...Any road will get you there.” Or nowhere. Photo by hotblack via But no journey worth taking is completed in one step. In order to reach their story goals, the protagonist, antagonist, and other major characters will all have to have intermediate goals. Even the secondary and minor characters will have some goal. Like climbing a staircase to reach the top of a building, each character has to climb the steps of his or her intermediate...Read More

Uncovering the Cover

...heir cover artist in the front matter of their e-books. Some people have recommended but that seems like a starving-artists hangout. This is too important to go cheap. So, that gets me a list to start from, but it’s not complete because often all I have is a name, not a web site–or blog, or Flickr page–address. So I have to look that up. Once I’ve got a place to look at, there’s the artist’s portfolio to look through. You’d think that w...Read More

Critique Technique, Part 59 — The End

...Not Endings can take many forms—happy or sad, satisfying or unsatisfying, completing or dangling—as the author chooses. There’s no single “right” kind of ending except the one that’s right (appropriate) for its story. A romance is likely to end up happy, satisfying, and complete—the lovers fall into each other’s arms and all is right in their world. At least for now. A tragedy can end up sad, dangling, and unsatisfying (yet perhaps in some strang...Read More

If Genetic Engineering Could Cure Your Child, Would You Use It?

...nt. Gene therapy might be able to change that. In fact, CNN has reported a complete cure in a very ill teenager in France. Pre-Natal Therapy But now things get more complicated. What if the therapy could be applied to a child before they were born? Pre-natal screenings can identify certain kinds of illnesses and conditions in the developing fetus. And there are some surgical procedures that are done in the uterus. Could a gene therapy treatment ev...Read More

Genes, Behaviors, and the Gaps in Our Knowledge

...e up and not take any preventive actions, like managing their diet. Others complained that the algorithm failed to identify a significant fraction of those who actually did become severely obese, almost 75% of those in one part of the study group. It even identified some people as having the lowest probability of becoming severely obese, yet they did. So is this test really all that helpful? I’d have to say not in its current form. I wonder how it...Read More

Measles, the Anti-Vax Movement, and the Moral Imperative

...of community, of connectedness has to be snuck into these folks’ worlds. A community different than the anti-vax community they’re already in, that us-against-the-world community. One that reconnects them to the wider world, that leads them to accept that they have a moral responsibility not only to themselves and their own families but to all of the people around them. I’m not sure where that change begins, or how, although I’m pretty sure it doe...Read More

Finding the Flow Again

...he book across the room—while giving her the opportunity in the end to overcome everything I throw at her. Or not. (No spoilers here!) So now I’m close to the point where I can focus on writing Janet’s story, and from that build the story-lines of the other characters to weave in. Some weaving will have to happen from the start, as the characters have become so interconnected through the first two books, but by putting my focus on Janet, the prope...Read More

The Submission Waiting Game

Photo by Adam Walter via Yesterday I did something I have not done in ages: submitted a short story to a science fiction magazine. The story, however, was not mine: it was my late friend Cappy Hanson’s last work, “The Otter’s Stone.” A few days before she died, she told me which magazine she intended to send it to first, so that was where it went. There’s no guarantee the magazine will accept it, so I’m not going to name it. Submit...Read More

Give It Up, Part 3

...have to worry so much about that. And water can be boiled over a fire and filtered to remove the worst of the contaminants, if it comes to that. Rainwater is plentiful, most places, and free. Snowmelt, too. They’re where all that river and reservoir water that comes out of our taps comes from, anyway. So if the electrical grid was running but limited, food refrigeration is the one technology I’d keep. What about you? The comment box hasn’t been t...Read More

Give It Up, Part 2

...its logical extreme of NO technology of ANY kind except for one thing, suddenly the options become very limited. Primitive in a major way. Pre-stone-age. It’s a scary thought. Maybe next time I’ll back this off a little, let us keep electricity. What do you think? Could you manage if EVERY kind of technology in your life suddenly went away, except for one thing? Fortunately, the technology of the comment box is still working (so far as I know). L...Read More