Another Step

This morning I took another important step on the road to publication: I sent the manuscript off to a proofreader/copy editor. Whew. Little by little, The Eternity Plague is turning into a “real” book, as opposed to a manuscript.

There are still a few loose ends to tie up: either getting permission from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to use the Center’s name in the story, or changing the name to something else; and getting a reading on whether the song lyrics my reporter character, Lisa Lange, quotes from time to time can be considered “fair use” or if I have to get permission to use them too.

If UT-Southwestern says no, that’s an easy fix: global find-and-replace is a wonderful thing. Getting permission for the song lyrics could take longer, if I have to. I sure hope I don’t.

Meanwhile, this has turned into a kind of overwhelming month, with too many things to do. But I’ve got a solution: I’m getting away for a couple weeks. Over the weekend I’ll be volunteering with the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon, something I do every year to honor the memory of a friend who was killed in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building. The following weekend, I’ll be attending the Oklahoma Writers Federation’s annual conference. In between and afterwards I’ll be visiting friends and relatives. A much-needed break, except that some work is going to follow me. SIGH.

But no whining–better this than being bored, at least so long as I don’t lose my mind.

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